July’s Real Estate Sales Data for West Kelowna and Central Okanagan!

Read along to learn more about the real estate market in West Kelowna!

kelowna real estate july

Lakeview Heights sales stats for July 2023:

Get in touch with me directly to learn more about sold properties this month!
Single-Family Sales:
Townhouse Sales:
Condo Sales:

Get in touch for more real estate news for Lakeview Heights in West Kelowna now!

Learn More About What’s Happening with Real Estate in West Kelowna this Month!

“Data provided by MLS® records and deemed to be accurate

The MLS® Home Price Index (HPI) is the most advanced and accurate tool to gauge home price levels and trends by using benchmark pricing rather than median or average. It consists of software tools configured to provide time-related indices on residential markets of participating real estate boards in Canada.”

real estate investor

Shannon Lake sales stats for July 2023: 

Contact me now to learn more about properties sold this month!
Single-Family Sales:
Townhouse Sales:
Condo Sales:

Reach out now for more on the latest statistics for Shannon Lake in West Kelowna now!

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